In my discussions around posthumanism and AGI, I’ve noticed something curious:
Almost all discussions in the intergovernmental world, tech media, and social media center around specific policy decisions – not on the end-goal of the speakers or writers.
This seems exactly backwards. As far as I can tell, if I know someone’s end-game, I can often anticipate their policies.
Someone who believes that AI should never be more than a tool to serve humanity (even a thousand years from you) will obvious advocate for policy decisions that land them in that situation that they deem to be desirable.
Someone who sees as ideal the vision of a posthuman intelligences populating the galaxy will naturally have different near-term policy recommendations.
For this reason, I’ve created the Intelligence Trajectory Political Matrix (ITPM).
Here’s a video breakdown of the concept:
This isn’t intended to be a complete vision of all possible futures, but rather, a kind of “game board” where people can show the direction (trajectory) they’d like to see life progress towards, given the risks and opportunities involved.
In the first video below, I explain the matrix and demonstrate how to find where you land on it:
— Daniel ‘No, Brother’ Faggella (@danfaggella) June 14, 2023
I plan to add more to this article in the future, but for now it’ll stand as a placeholder for future content, and a reference point for other articles and discussions.
If you have any suggestions on improving the matrix send me a DM on Twitter or LinkedIn.
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