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Japan is the Canary in the Coal Mine – The Great Virtual Escape
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Japan is the Canary in the Coal Mine – The Great Virtual Escape

Rich in tradition and material wealth, Japan’s reclusive youths are often completely uninterested in sex, relationships, or work. The country’s youth – especially men – are seeking escape from the…

Super-intelligent Machines May be Conscious, but Not Like We Are
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Super-intelligent Machines May be Conscious, but Not Like We Are

During my most recent UN speaking engagement in Shanghai, I wasn’t able to access Google (or my email), and was left with only a few books and the tabs I…

Cognitive Enhancement Will Yield Conflict – VR or Mind Uploading a Necessary Transition
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Cognitive Enhancement Will Yield Conflict – VR or Mind Uploading a Necessary Transition

Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is NearĀ peaked my interest when he posited his reasoning for why there is likely no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. By a mere matter of…