A Partial Inquiry on Fulfillment Beyond Humanity
As humans, learning often feels good, food often tastes good, novelty brings joy to life, living by values that we set brings order to our consciousness, and besides very few…
Today, satisfying our reward circuits is pretty “hit or miss.”
Our daily lives are an amble from one reward circuit to the next (from hunger, to boredom, etc), what we constantly desire is a change in our emotional state.
Very frequently, the actions we take to satisfy our desires (to feel relaxed, or entertained, or enthusiastic / confident, etc) don’t work. The TV show doesn’t entertain us, listening to music doesn’t calm our mental chatter before bed, pornography doesn’t really excite us. We amble on regardless.
Hyper-personalized AI-generated experiences (visuals, audio, haptics, etc) will allow you to feel what you want to feel (relaxed, enthusiastic, confident, sexually desired, etc), when you want to feel it – and will draw more and more people to live almost entirely in virtual worlds.
We are driven my our reward circuits – we seek a positive change in our emotional state – and evolutionary drives provide the template for how we can achieve said change (sex, food, achievement, community, etc*).
We’re unbelievably fortunate that the same reward system that allowed us to hunt mammoths, forage for berries, and kill off Neanderthals is capable of producing the world we find ourselves in today.
The balanced ambulation of these drives, one after another, constitutes our healthy condition.
We would prefer a continuous flow of “reward” – or at least a continuous ambling from one pleasant state to another. But our hardware and software isn’t set up for continuous wellbeing (the vessel is flawed), and our current means for changing our emotional states are clumsy and don’t reliably satisfy us.
Whether we intend it to happen or not, generative AI, VR (and eventually, brain-computer interface) will inevitably bring us closer to continuous reward fulfillment. To use an electrical engineering analogy, it will serve to “close the human reward circuit.”
In all these future cases, our reward circuits are sustained for longer, because they’re responding to you. There’s no lapse. It’s continual. It’s closing the circuit of our reward systems. And it’s what I predict we can expect to see coming next.
For the sake of this article, a “closed reward circuit” does not imply that any single pleasant reward (sex, entertainment, etc) can be experienced continuously. Strapping a headset on won’t solve that hominid hardware problem.
Rather, future technology will help with the following:
In practice, this implies that generative AI will create hyper-customized VR/AR experiences, created specifically for what lights up the reward circuit of the individual user. This will require some kind of bio-feedback, including EEG, EKG, eye tracking, and other means of gauging the attention and emotional response of the user.
Here’s how our current methods for need-fulfillment will change from the present to the future:
We constantly ambulate between different drives and reward circuits. Generative AI tech will help us to (a) more reliably achieve the emotional state change we seek, and (b) hold onto that emotional state for longer, more satisfying intervals.
Over time, drive by drive (starting with simpler ones, like relaxation, and ending with more complex ones, like being loved), we’ll move away from the “old” methods of satisfying desires, and bask in the technologically-facilitated ones (read: Husk).
People feel just fine admitting that they’d use AI to replace some needs, but when it comes to love and relationships (an area where I suspect there will be a lot of disruption of the current human condition), people get touchy.
‘With strong AI I’ll be able to be more present w/ my kids!’
— Daniel Faggella (@danfaggella) December 15, 2023
No, brother.
There will be hyper-personalized AI experiences much more fulfilling than either (a) parenting or (b) being a human child.
Parent and child will prefer this virtual space. You’ll be further not closer.
While I can’t be certain about anything in the future, I suspect that the move towards “closing the reward circuit” will be inevitable with the next wave of generative AI VR technologies.
Here are a handful of potential implications of this trend:
* It’s obvious that labeling individual rewards under categories like “sex” or “achievement” is not remotely accurate. Our drives are complex, opaque, and interconnected in ways that probably go beyond our comprehension. Even without understanding these reward circuits in full, technology can fulfill or hijack them. Porn addiction, video game addiction, and social media addiction are proof of this. It will not be necessary for us to unlock the mysteries of the brain in order to develop technologies that light these circuits up in incredibly gripping new ways.
Note: This is all part of an inevitable trajectory of post-human transition. From generative AI to brain-computer interface and beyond (see: The Posthuman Transition in 7 Phases).
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