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The Wisest Cricket
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The Wisest Cricket

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.15″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] “The Wisest Cricket” is a term used in jest (and absurdism) to refer to the human…

Artificial General Intelligence – Finding the Good is Better Than Doing Good
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Artificial General Intelligence – Finding the Good is Better Than Doing Good

The universe doesn’t seem to be inherently imbued with meaning, but it would seem that anything we could do to find said meaning, to make our time here “worthwhile”, would fall…

Is Artificial Intelligence Worse Than Nukes? Maybe – but it May Be Better, Too
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Is Artificial Intelligence Worse Than Nukes? Maybe – but it May Be Better, Too

Both artificial intelligence and nuclear warheads could both wipe out human life, though it might be possible for superintelligent AI to be even more destructive. That being said, AI is…

Artificial Intelligence Job Loss is a Comparatively Minor Concern
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Artificial Intelligence Job Loss is a Comparatively Minor Concern

How can you keep artificial intelligence from taking over your job? In my latest TEDx talk, I explore what I’ve learned (from hundreds of interviews) about job security in the…

What Black Mirror’s San Junipero Got Right and Wrong
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What Black Mirror’s San Junipero Got Right and Wrong

I’ve been cajoled into watching Netflix’s Black Mirror, and a friend of mine recommended watching the San Junipero episode next. As I mentioned in my last Black Morror reflection, and I…

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With VR and Neurotech, the Future of Sex May Be Just as Disturbing as the Present

I don’t watch fiction, and I don’t read fiction, almost as a rule. While I respect it as a medium, and consider it valuable in fleshing out future scenarios that…

If Positive Psychology Aims for 51% of the Human Population to Flourish, We’ll Need to Take Technology Seriously
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If Positive Psychology Aims for 51% of the Human Population to Flourish, We’ll Need to Take Technology Seriously

The Aim of Positive Psychology Positive Psychology’s founder Dr. Martin Seligman has undertaken the “moon-shot” endeavor to have 51% of the human population psychologically flourishing by 2051. It’s an audacious goal intended…