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What Black Mirror’s San Junipero Got Right and Wrong
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What Black Mirror’s San Junipero Got Right and Wrong

I’ve been cajoled into watching Netflix’s Black Mirror, and a friend of mine recommended watching the San Junipero episode next. As I mentioned in my last Black Morror reflection, and I…

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With VR and Neurotech, the Future of Sex May Be Just as Disturbing as the Present

I don’t watch fiction, and I don’t read fiction, almost as a rule. While I respect it as a medium, and consider it valuable in fleshing out future scenarios that…


Will We Out-Grow Our Inherited Brains? – A View of Societal Lenses, with Dr. Pat Hopkins

In the future, will technology deconstruct or reconstruct gender identities as culturally represented and understood by society today?   In a recent interview, Dr. Patrick Hopkins, a professor of Philosophy at…