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Cognitive Enhancement Will Yield Conflict – VR or Mind Uploading a Necessary Transition
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Cognitive Enhancement Will Yield Conflict – VR or Mind Uploading a Necessary Transition

Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near peaked my interest when he posited his reasoning for why there is likely no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. By a mere matter of…

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Dr. Robin Hanson – On the Difficulty of Making Progress Towards Beneficial Future

Last week, I was fortunate enough to catch up with George Mason University Professor, Doctor Robin Hanson, one of the bloggers I admire most in the realm of intelligence and…

Threshold vs. Scalar Moral Status in a Post-Human World
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Threshold vs. Scalar Moral Status in a Post-Human World

I’ve been diving into “Human Enhancement” (Oxford) as of late, and came across a topic that was bristling in my own mind before I saw the name of the chapter….

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A Partial Inquiry on Fulfillment Beyond Humanity

As humans, learning often feels good, food often tastes good, novelty brings joy to life, living by values that we set brings order to our consciousness, and besides very few…