I get categorized incorrectly on X pretty frequently. Sometimes I’m an “AI doomer” or a “misanthrope who wants robots to take over,” etc.

In order to clarify my position I wanted to summarize my organizing idea. A single tweet is a tiny slice of a larger set of ideas. Below are the core tenets of what I currently believe (it’s all subject to change), with references to my more complete thoughts on each point.

So if you read a tweet and think “Wait… does that mean that Dan wants ___?!”, refer to this page and get a sense of what I really intend, and my reasoning behind it. I’m not saying you’ll agree with my reasoning (quite the opposite), or that it’s even right – but you can identify more directly what it is you disagree or agree with.

My cause, or organizing idea, could best be summarized in a handful of bullets:

The cause boils down to:

Encouraging international conversation between innovators and regulators in order to (a) avoid AI-related conflict and (b) discern the best way to move towards a posthuman transition and bring about a Worthy Successor.

Types of AI Successors / Worthy Successor - Daniel Faggella

My writing and speaking are just means to this end.

Emerj is a means to this end.

My life is a means to this end.

If I stray from the purpose listed above I expect to be rightly called out for it. If any of these ideas are treated as unquestionable doctrines or “truths” that don’t warrant more investigation, I also expect to be rightly called out for it. I expect my good friends will do just that under either circumstance.

At the end of the day I’m literally just a human making sense of the existential condition and acting an accordance with an incessant grappling with said condition. If you disagree with the premises of my cause, or my reasoning behind it – that’s just fine, I won’t insist that you agree with me. I’m not your enemy, and my opinions aren’t constructed to offend anyone.